How to update Chrome browser on Databeat OMNIplay3

This article tells you how to update the Chrome web browser on a Databeat OmniPlay3 media player device. You need a memory stick and a mouse/OP3 remote.

Download APK & prepare USB

  1. Contact to get a link to the APK file for your device.
  2. Download the correct Web Browser APK file for your device. 
  3. Transfer the APK file to the USB stick (Place it on the root).
  4. Insert the USB stick into the Device.

Please get in touch with if you need guidance or have questions about media players and Web Browser Support in general.

How to update the web browser with a mouse and keyboard

  1. Go to Android settings. To do this easily, press the left mouse button at the top of the screen and drag it downwards then press the cogwheel from the status bar. If the OP3 hasn't been configured yet and is on the license input screen, left-click the cogwheel that says "Configure".
  2. Scroll down with the scroll wheel on the mouse until you find "storage" then left-click it. You should see your USB drive under "Portable storage".
  3. Left-click on your USB drive.
  4. Now you should see the contents of the USB you've inserted into the OP3 player. Double-left-click on the APK file you transferred to your USB drive.
  5. It should now ask you if you want to install the update. Left-click "install".
  6. Once it is complete, left-click the circle from the bottom bar to go back to the OMNIplay app

How to update the web browser with the OMNIplay3 remote controller

  1. Go to Android settings. To do this easily, press the left arrow while the OP3 is playing media. If the OP3 hasn't been configured yet and is on the license input screen, navigate the marker to the cogwheel that says "Configure" and press "OK" on the remote controller.
  2. Scroll down by using the down arrow on the remote controller until you find "storage", highlight it and click "OK" on the remote controller. You should see your USB drive under "Portable storage".
  3. Press the "down" arrow three times and press "OK" on the remote controller.
  4. Now you should see the contents of the USB you've inserted into the OP3 player. Press the "up" arrow once, then press the "down" arrow until you've highlighted the Chrome APK file you transferred to your USB drive. Highlight the Chrome APK, then press "ok" on the remote controller.
  5. It should now ask you if you want to install the update. Highlight the install button by pressing the "right" arrow on the remote controller, then press "OK".
  6. Once complete, you can press the "back" button on the remote controller, which is right for the "home" button that looks like a house until you're back in our Omniplay app.