How we integrate OMNIplay with Hardware

DatabeatOMNI Publishing platform is based on Microsoft Cloud (Azure) Platform and Technologies. OMNIplay works with DatabeatOMNI and required to play content and display on screen as planned and scheduled. OMNIplay are apps made for various hardware.


Whom do we work with

Databeat OMNIplay currently supports, and we are actively working with Samsung, LG, Sharp, and Philips. Generic apps (for "manual" integrations) can be found on Amazon, Google Play, and Microsoft App Store.

We would very much like to work with more vendors, and please do not hesitate to reach out to our OMNIplay team.

What hardware do we recommend

Databeat actively supports and recommends System On Chip (SoC) technologies.
With SoC, a micro player is embedded on the screen hardware, so an external device (player) is not needed. SoC as technology has matured over the years. It is cheaper to procure, set up, install, and operate those similar systems with external hardware players.

External players are only recommended when customers are already heavily invested in screen(s) without SoC. We have a small, lightweight, and cost-efficient OMNIplay 3 (Android) for that purpose, and it is connected to a screen via HDMI. 

Two kinds of integration

Digital Signage is typically meant to be a fully automatic service, where people (employees or tech departments) are intended to do as little as possible. We, therefore, work closely with vendors to ensure OMNIplay is working as fully automatic as possible. This is considered an essential feature for Digital Signage users.

Some vendors support such features to a various degree, some not at all, some only using their software, some provide necessary rights (via root-access). For those who do, we offer an Automatic OMNIplay. For those who do not,  

Automatic integration

We have automatic integration with Samsung, LG, and Philips, and we are working with Sharp as this is being written. This integration allows us to do these extra features :

  • Ensure OMNIplay is automatically started with the device (i.e., after a boot/reboot)
  • Automatically update OMNIplay software when required (patch and new features).
  • Remotely restart the software, even reboot hardware when required for any operational issues.
  • Remotely take Screenshot to see what's currently playing on the screen
  • Immediate contact and control of the remote device.
  • Read the hardware configuration (OS, network, disk, memory, etc.) that may help support

For automatic support, Databeat works closely with the vendors, either the tech department or, mostly, their development department. Databeat will even require two a relevant sample SoC units to develop and test with. One is sent to our development department in Lucknow, India, whereas the other is typically at Databeat HQ, Oslo, Norway, for testing and operational experience and knowledge.

Manual Integration

Manual integrations work as well as automatic when it comes to playing content from DatabeatOMNI, the publishing platform, but for operational issues, more work will be required on the end-user / customer.

Typically it requires that a user start and update the application, and remote control is less available. 

A Manual OMNIplay can be found on Google Play (For Android devices), Amazon (For Amazon Fire), and Microsoft Store