How to integrate Adform with DatabeatOMNI

This article explores the integration of DatabeatOMNI, a digital signage platform, with Adform, a digital advertising solution. Discover how this integration enhances campaigns by combining the strengths of both platforms.

What is Adform? 

Adform is a company that provides digital advertising solutions and technology. It offers a comprehensive digital advertising platform that allows advertisers, agencies, and publishers to manage and optimize their online advertising campaigns across various channels and formats.

In this article we will explore how this integration enhances advertising campaigns by combining the strenghts of both Adform and DatabeatOMNI.

Add Adform as a playblock

Adform can be implemented to DatabeatOMNI as a playblock. Open settings for your playblock, and select Adform as the playblock property. 

Learn more about playblocks in this article: What is a playblock? 

Type or paste your Adform URL into the playblock to fetch media assets from Adform. Media assets will be available at the runtime. 

Combine Adform with other playblocks

Build your channel by creating and adding new playblocks. This feature enables a user to combine a channel to display more than one set of information. For instance, you can add playblocks to display news from VGTV or add a PowerBI report. 

Check out this article to learn how to add additional playblocks to your channel.