Databeat OMNIplay Release Notes

Get the latest information about changes to the Databeat OMNIplay app across all platforms. The OMNIplay app powers your Databeat Signage and Databeat Doorsign.

Databeat OMNIplay - Android




Release notes

20.06.2024 PROD 24.6.10

It includes all changes since v24.5.20

19.06.2024 BETA 24.6.3

Added support for Bitmovin.

07.06.2024 BETA 24.6.1

Correction to the duration of video playback. Video files that are 15 minutes or longer will play uninterrupted.

07.05.2024 PROD 24.5.20

It includes all changes since v24.5.10

04.05.2024 BETA 24.5.11

Fixes to the keyboardless setup.

02.05.2024 PROD 24.5.10

It includes all changes since v24.4.10

18.04.2024 BETA 24.4.13 OMNIpower v2 setup
16.04.2024 BETA 24.4.11

Introduced a new way to set up a player, the keyboardless setup.

This update gives the setup of an Android player a completely new look, and has the option to scan a QR code to set your Android player up remotely from your phone.

16.04.2024 PROD 24.4.10

The same as 24.3.10, but necessary due to some versioning issues that occurred in beta.

20.03.2024 PROD 24.3.10 It includes all changes since v23.8.10
21.02.2024 BETA 24.2.1 Adform integration improvements
17.01.2024 BETA 24.1.11 Disable app shortcuts if URL is being played
29.12.2023 BETA 23.12.5 Override play improvements.
22.12.2023 BETA 23.12.3 Custom VAST URL/Adform play support.
14/12/2023 BETA 23.12.1 Override Playblock.
30/10/2023 BETA 23.10.7 Adform media will always be streamed if no creative/mediaId found.
24/10/2023 BETA 23.10.5 Adform track URL parsing fixed.
10/10/2023 BETA 23.10.1 1: Restricted Beta functionality for DATABEATservers.
2: Allow app to be run on http and https DATABEATservers.
01/09/2023 BETA 23.9.1 Report correct CPU info in asset.
29/08/2023 BETA 23.8.11 OP3v7 support changes for App Update, Rotation, Reboot.
17/08/2023 PROD 23.8.10 It includes all changes since v23.6.10
02/08/2023 BETA 23.8.1 Fixed NFC read issue on fresh boot in DS10 plus.
21/07/2023 BETA 23.7.1 1: Out of memory issue fixes while Doorsign Image playing.
2: Random stuck at startup splash screen fixes.
30/06/2023 PROD 23.6.10 It includes all changes since v23.4.10
07/06/2023 BETA 23.6.1 Sometimes widgets load with incorrect coordinates/scaling fix.
11/05/2023 BETA 23.5.1 Player API key security implementation
24/4/2023 PROD 23.4.10 It includes all changes since v23.3.10
19/4/2023 BETA 23.4.3 Adform Cookie UID fix to get all impressions.
11/4/2023 BETA 23.4.1 Impression reporting fix as per IAB Guidelines
28/03/2023 BETA 23.3.13 1: Adform impression multiplier fixes.
2: Widgets with incorrect coordinates/scaling fix.
13-03-2023 PROD 23.3.10 It includes all changes since v23.2.10
02-03-2023 BETA 23.2.15 1: Custom resolution support for OP4.
2: Fixed storage info report in asset .
16-02-2023 BETA 23.2.13 Adform Impression multiplier implementation.
02-02-2023 PROD 23.2.10 It includes all changes since v22.11.10
19-01-2023 BETA 23.1.3 1: Support for Vestel APIs.
2: Broadcast media is downloaded and played from local.
05-01-2023 BETA 23.1.1 1: Adform implementation.
2: MS Teams implementation.
3: Clear auto fill form data fix (T22 Kiosk Mode)
08-12-2022 BETA 22.12.1 Custom resolution output fix for special screens where width<height, like 384x1152 (OP3 & OP4 devices).
25-11-2022 BETA 22.11.11 1: Support changes for Android 11 & 12
2: Clear cookies and form data before starting screen saver mode in simplified & advance touch.
23-11-2022 PROD 22.11.10 It includes all changes since v22.6.10
14-11-2022 BETA 22.11.3 "OP3" & "OP4" model name added in validations.
02-11-2022 BETA 22.11.1 1: Local language number format parse fix.
2: No media files in touch menu playblock fix.
20-09-2022 BETA 22.9.5 Override custom output resolution restricted to Databeat OMNIplay3 and OMNIplay4 hardware.
16-09-2022 BETA 22.9.3 Flexible OMNIplay app deprecated and merged.
All Android OMNIplay must be installed with URL: 
01-09-2022 BETA 22.9.1 1: Media file download retry fixed.
24-08-2022 BETA 22.8.3 1: Quick UI fixes for T22 Stretch (1920x158)
2: Ask Battery Optimization Ignore permission at player setup for Android 6 (Marshmallow) and above.
11-08-2022 BETA 22.8.1 Fixes for Custom output resolution
29-07-2022 BETA 22.7.5 Custom output resolution implementation.
21-07-2022 BETA 22.7.3 Restart app in 15 sec at least, if reboot device command does not work.
08-07-2022 BETA 22.7.1 1: Touch Config quick fix
2: Improve cache management
30-06-2022 BETA 22.6.11 1: File clean up logic update
2: Target resolution issue on app-update fixed.
14-06-2022 PROD 22.6.10 It includes all changes since v22.5.10
13-06-2022 BETA 22.6.5 1: CiC widget position fix in portrait channel
2: Improved logic in network check at app startup.
3: Fry Music files clean up fix.
09-06-2022 BETA 22.6.3 1) Fix for Player starts with No Network Screen when on WIFI.
2) Target resolution fix on channel change
07-06-2022 BETA 22.6.1 Target resolution fix on channel change
26-05-2022 BETA 22.5.17 1: Deprecate YT play for Android.
2: Corner issue when transitioning from picture to video fix.
23-05-2022 BETA 22.5.13 1: App Update process fixes for ELC Devices.
2: Fixes for get Brand, Manufacturer and Model for ELC Devices.
19-05-2022 BETA 22.5.11 Transitions Improvements between media play
17-05-2022 PROD 22.5.10 It includes all changes since v22.2.10
16-05-2022 BETA 22.5.7 Show transparent PNG in CIC fix
11-05-2022 BETA 22.5.3 DS10 Led color change fix.
06-05-2022 BETA 22.5.1 1: OP3 app now supports ELC, Aopen, Qbic and RCStars screens.
2. Will act as Inbuilt app on ELC and RCStars.
3: Touch config pin implementation.
30-04-2022 BETA 22.4.5 Simple & Advance touch implementation.
07-04-2022 BETA 22.4.1 1: Maintain minimum 600 MB storage fix
2: RTMP implementation
25-03-2022 BETA 22.3.3 Clean disk fix
16-03-2022 BETA 22.3.1 1: Bottom toolbar fix due to Onscreen keyboard.
2: Beta Config implementation.
3: ScreenInfo security (Remove LicenceKey & IP).
25-02-2022 BETA 22.2.15 1: App update stability fixes for all type of devices
2: Blue overlay fix for Android 8 and above.
22-02-2022 BETA 22.2.11 1. Web cache as per playerconfig
2. Check app updates  as per playerconfig.
3. Auto Time sync implementation.
4. Report SOC Technology.
5: Blue overlay fix for Android 8 and above.
6: Device admin not found fix.
7: Log reporting as per player config.
09-02-2022 PROD 22.2.10 It includes all changes since v21.6.10
31-01-2022 BETA 22.1.1 1: FRY Music SSL support
2: Player Logging fix
3: Mixed playblock logic implementation.
4: CiC & GC override master channel timing implementation
14-12-2021 BETA 21.12.1 SDCard External Storage support.
22-11-2021 BETA 21.11.1 Audio Fix
27-10-2021 BETA 21.10.5 CiC bottom black bar fix
26-10-2021 BETA 21.10.3 GC widget size and position instant update fix.
25-10-2021 BETA 21.10.1 VGTV API/mediaplan logic updates
25-06-2021 BETA 21.6.11 1: Show network connection status only if NR is enabled in config
2: Widget not displayed on channel change in real time fix
09-06-2021 PROD 21.6.10 It includes all changes since v21.2.10
13/05/2021 BETA 21.5.1 WS red icon is showing even when WS is active fix.
19/04/2021 BETA 21.4.3 1: Show Network status, 10 sec after it start to play
2: NWstatus=16 (successful reboot recovery) implementation
3: Network status wrong report in out of service fix. 
08/04/2021 BETA 21.4.1 1: RTP streaming in CIC fix
2: Network Recovery Implemention
26/02/2021 BETA 21.2.11 1: Report snapshot to server on app update activity - available, download failed, install failed or installing. 2: Minimum reserved storage for app will be 600MB 3: Implement new VGTV playlist making logic (to make the newly content available asap)
03/02/2021 PROD 21.2.10 It includes all changes since v20.11.10
27/01/2021 BETA 21.1.97 1: WS gets disconnected when player goes to sleep.
2: Player should not go to sleep if any media download is in progress.
3: If player is in sleep, no app update will happen.
4: Player does not wake up in updated service hour if SH changed during sleep.
5: App update fixes when player waking up from sleep.
10/01/2021 BETA 21.1.7 RTP streaming improvements for CiC
07/01/2021 BETA 21.1.3 CiC and GC will use VLC for network streaming
07/01/2021 BETA 21.1.1 1: Display current app version, LicenceKey and available app update version in app update screen.
2: Change "App update completion event wait time" from 1 min to 3 mins.
3: App update retry 3x times else skip and start app normally.
4: Fix for restart issue when "full day out of service hour".
5: New weather API implementation.
29-12-2020 BETA 20.12.7 CiC widget OutOfMemory issue fix.
23-12-2020 BETA 20.12.5 1: Audio Track not playing even in locally fix.
2: Display "Preparing Playlist.." screen when loading big playlist (black screen shown issue).
22-12-2020 BETA 20.12.3 Download priority media as per schedule. Specially done for music player. 
16-12-2020 BETA 20.12.1 Added VLC for playing RTP, RTSP and UDP streams.
25-11-2020 BETA 20.11.11 Play next loop optimization. Specially done for very long music playlists.
20-11-2020 PROD 20.11.10 It includes all changes since v1.0.790.
20-11-2020 BETA 20.11.3 1: Display incorrect fry playlist in UI fix.
2: Changed Channel is being played with previous playing channel.
13-11-2020 BETA 20.11.1 All releases from Jan to Nov 2020 as we rolled back last production version:
1: CiC implementation.
2: Global widget implementation.
3: NRK widget implementation.
4: VGA widget implementation.
5: New message screen UI.
6: Player will play in resolution according to channel target resolution.
7: Mediaplan change, Mediaplan change urgent, Widgetchange command implementation.





Databeat OMNIplay (Flexible) - General Android




Release notes

16-09-2022 - - This version of OMNIplay is deprecated.
Kindly use above version for new setups-
Databeat OMNIplay - Android
25-08-2022 PROD 22.8.10 It includes all changes since v22.7.10
21-07-2022 BETA  22.7.13 1: Reboot & app update command changed for ELC DS10/13 compatibility.
2: Read Manufacture and Serial information from other Android APIs if it does not exist in BUILD.
3: Restart app in 15 sec at least, if reboot device command does not work.
08-07-2022 BETA 22.7.11 1: Touch Config quick fix
2: Improve cache management
06-07-2022 PROD 22.7.10 It includes all changes since v22.2.10
30-06-2022 BETA 22.6.3 1: File clean up logic update
2: Target resolution issue on app-update fixed.
28-06-2022 BETA 22.6.1 1: Improved logic in network check at app startup.
2: Fry Music files clean up fix.
26-05-2022 BETA 22.5.7 1: Deprecate YT play for Android.
2: Corner issue when transitioning from picture to video fix.
19-05-2022 BETA 22.5.5 Transitions Improvements between media play
16-05-2022 BETA 22.5.3 Show transparent PNG in CIC fix
10-05-2022 BETA 22.5.1 DS10 Led color change fix.
30-04-2022 BETA 22.4.5 Simple & Advance touch implementation.
20-04-2022 BETA 22.4.3 Touch config pin implementation
07-04-2022 BETA 22.4.1 1: Maintain minimum 600 MB storage fix
2: RTMP implementation
25-03-2022 BETA 22.3.3 Clean disk fix
16-03-2022 BETA 22.3.1 1: Bottom toolbar fix due to Onscreen keyboard.
2: Beta Config implementation.
3: ScreenInfo security (Remove LicenceKey & IP).
25-02-2022 BETA 22.2.15 1: App update stability fixes for all type of devices
2: Blue overlay fix for Android 8 and above.
22-02-2022 BETA 22.2.11 1. Web cache as per playerconfig
2. Check app updates  as per playerconfig.
3. Report SOC Technology.
4: Blue overlay fix for Android 8 and above.
5: Device admin not found fix.
6: Log reporting as per player config.
09-02-2022 PROD 22.2.10 It includes all changes since v21.8.10
31-01-2022 BETA 22.1.1 1: NFC support for qbic S version device
2: FRY Music SSL support
3: Player Logging fix
4: Mixed playblock logic implementation.
5: CiC & GC override master channel timing implementation
14-12-2021 BETA 21.12.1 SDCard External Storage support.
22-11-2021 BETA 21.11.1 Audio Fix
27-10-2021 BETA 21.10.5 CiC bottom black bar fix
26-10-2021 BETA 21.10.3 GC widget size and position instant update fix.
25-10-2021 BETA 21.10.1 VGTV API/mediaplan logic updates
27-09-2021 BETA 21.9.1 RFID  error logging 
19-08-2021 BETA 21.8.13 LED fix for ELC DS10
05-08-2021 BETA 21.8.11 Implemented Screenshot, Reboot, Application update, LED, NFC support for ELC screens - Databeat Doorsign DS10/DS13.
05-08-2021 PROD 21.8.10 It includes all changes since v21.2.20
03-08-2021 BETA 21.8.1 Philips api update for Android 8 and above for screenshot, reboot and app update.
26-07-2021 BETA 21.7.1 Implemented Screenshot, Reboot, Application update, LED, NFC support for Qbic screens
25-06-2021 BETA 21.6.7 Widget not displayed on channel change in real time fix
18-06-2021 BETA 21.6.5 1: Report Brand and Model for Aopen screen
2: Show network connection status only if NR is enabled in config
09-06-2021 BETA 21.6.3 RFID support for Aopen screens
31-05-2021 BETA 21.5.3 LED support for Aopen screens
13/05/2021 BETA 21.5.1 WS red icon is showing even when WS is active fix.
19/04/2021 BETA 21.4.3 1: Show Network status, 10 sec after it start to play
2: NWstatus=16 (successful reboot recovery) implementation
3: Network status wrong report in out of service fix. 
08/04/2021 BETA 21.4.1 1: RTP streaming in CIC fix
2: Network Recovery Implemention
26/02/2021 PROD 21.2.20 1: Report snapshot to server on app update activity - available, download failed, install failed or installing.
2: Minimum reserved storage for app will be 600MB
3: Implement new VGTV playlist making logic (to make the newly content available asap)
4: Fix for LED for model 10BDL4151T
08/02/2021 PROD 21.2.10 1: WS gets disconnected when player goes to sleep.
2: Player should not go to sleep if any media download is in progress.
3: If player is in sleep, no app update will happen.
4: Player does not wake up in updated service hour if SH changed during sleep.
5: App update fixes when player waking up from sleep.
6. And points from beta 20.12.1
30-12-2020 BETA 20.12.1 1: Fullscreen toggle fix for CiC widget when playing webpage
2: NRK play fix after network reconnnected
3: NRK player widget release memory fix.
4: Changed Channel is being played with previous playing channel target resolution.
5: Display incorrect fry playlist in UI
6: Play next loop optimization. Specially done for very long music playlists.
7: Added VLC for playing RTP, RTSP and UDP streams.
8: Download priority media as per schedule. Specially done for music player.
9: Audio Track not playing even in locally fix.
10: Display "Preparing Playlist.." screen when loading big playlist (black screen shown issue).
11: CiC widget Outofmemory issue fix.




Databeat OMNIplay for SSSP (Samsung SSP 2 and 3)




Release notes

26-04-2022 PROD v2.780 All changes since last production v2.760
26-04-2022 BETA v2.769 Replaced all https:// usage to http://
24-03-2022 BETA v2.763 1. Beta Config implementation.
2. ScreenInfo security (Remove LicenceKey & IP).
3. Weather API change.
22-02-2022 BETA 2.761 1. App update max 3 tries in a day implementation.
2. Check app updates and firmware updates as per playerconfig.
3. Report beta player type to OMNI.
4. Report SOC Technology.
22-11-2021 PROD v2.760 All changes since last production v2.750
16-11-2021 BETA 2.755 1. Audio logic improvements.
2. Player init enhancements to avoid crash.
12-10-2021 BETA 2.753 Update header clock on message screen every 1 min.
30-09-2021 BETA 2.751 Removed-widgets still showing on player fix.
14-06-2021 PROD v2.750 All changes since last production v2.730
03-06-2021 BETA v2.743  Instant update for widget, mediafiles (in 1 minute without WS)
27/04/2021 BETA v2.741 1: Fix for YT for no network player start
2: Timezone offset fix
19/04/2021 BETA v2.737  NWstatus=16 (successful reboot recovery) implementation
08/04/2021 BETA v2.735 Network Recovery Implementation




Databeat OMNIplay for Tizen (Samsung SoC)




Release notes

20.06.2024 PROD 1.1.540 It includes all changes since v1.1.520
19.06.2024 BETA 1.1.533 Added support for Bitmovin.
04.06.2024 BETA 1.1.531 Correction to the duration of video playback. Video files that are 5 minutes or longer will play uninterrupted.
09.05.2024 PROD 1.1.530 It includes all changes since v1.1.520
08.05.2024 BETA 1.1.521 Fixes to background file with Doorsign
08.05.2024 PROD 1.1.520 It includes all changes since v1.1.490
01.05.2024 BETA 1.1.515 Override fixes
29.04.2024 BETA 1.1.513 Override
03.04.2024 BETA 1.1.507 SSSP4 QR setup fixes
28.02.2024 BETA 1.1.501 QR setup fixes
30.01.2024 BETA 1.1.493 First version of QR setup
17.01.2024 PROD 1.1.490 It includes all changes since v1.1.460
16.01.2024 BETA 1.1.481 Video playback fix for Tizen 7.0 (TEP)
03/11/2023 BETA 1.1.467 CiC widget fixes for SSSP10
10/10/2023 BETA 1.1.463 DATABEATserver options available in config screen.
26/06/2023 PROD 1.1.460 It includes all changes since v1.1.450
02/06/2023 BETA 1.1.457 Tizen offline boot datetime fix.
30/05/2023 BETA 1.1.455 Tizen Time issue
24/05/2023 BETA 1.1.453 Player API key security implementation
01/05/2023 BETA 1.1.451 Set system DateTime only once when app starts and has internet.
25/04/2023 PROD 1.1.450 It includes all changes since v1.1.430
19/4/2023 BETA 1.1.445 Adform Impression reporting fixes as per IAB Guidelines.
28/03/2023 BETA 1.1.441 Adform impression multiplier fixes.
23-02-2023 BETA 1.1.435 1: Adform implementation.
2: Fixed CiC playback quick skip bug.
19-01-2023 BETA 1.1.433 Broadcast media is downloaded and played from local.
05-01-2023 BETA 1.1.431 MS Teams implementation
31-10-2022 PROD 1.1.430 It includes all changes since v1.1.420
31-10-2022 BETA 1.1.421 Samsung distributor certificate updated
01-09-2022 PROD 1.1.420 It includes all changes since v1.1.410
30-07-2022 BETA 1.1.411 File clean-up logic fix. 
19-07-2022 PROD 1.1.410 All changes since last production v1.1.400
30-06-2022 BETA 1.1.405 File clean up logic update
07-06-2022 BETA 1.1.403 Debug log improvements
27-05-2022 BETA 1.1.401 Added additional debug logs.
10-05-2022 PROD 1.1.400 All changes since last production v1.1.390
10-05-2022 BETA 1.1.397 App URL change not working fix.
06-05-2022 BETA 1.1.393 1: Report local mediaplan status fix (for USB storage).
2: VGTV local play file path fix.
15-04-2022 PROD 1.1.390 All changes since last production v1.1.380
07-04-2022 BETA 1.1.385 Maintain minimum 600 MB storage fix
24-03-2022 BETA 1.1.383 1. Beta Config implementation.
2. ScreenInfo security (Remove LicenceKey & IP).
3. Weather API change.
22-02-2022 BETA 1.1.381 1. App update max 3 tries in a day implementation.
2. Check app updates and firmware updates as per playerconfig.
3. Report beta player type to OMNI.
4. Report SOC Technology.
07-02-2022 PROD 1.1.380 All changes since last production v1.1.370
01-02-2022 BETA 1.1.373 1: Player Logging fix
2: Mixed playblock logic implementation.
3: CiC & GC override master channel timing implementation
10-12-2021 BETA 1.1.371 SDCard External Storage support.
22-11-2021 PROD 1.1.370 All changes since last production v1.1.350
16-11-2021 BETA 1.1.363 1. Audio logic improvements.
2. Player init enhancements to avoid crash.
27-10-2021 BETA 1.1.361 VGTV not playing if playblock selected fix
25-10-2021 BETA 1.1.359 VGTV API/mediaplan logic updates
12-10-2021 BETA 1.1.357 Update header clock on message screen every 1 min.
30-09-2021 BETA 1.1.355 Removed-widgets still showing on player fix.
14-09-2021 BETA v1.1.353 1. YT play in portrait fix
2. PIP implementation as CIC general logic
3. Remote Control Input Source switching color code implementation
4. Removed old unused OMNIagent logic
5. Delete CIC mediafiles first before primary media files for freeing up space for FW download
11-06-2021 BETA v1.1.351 1. Skip video files in playblock if it contains video cic.
2. CiC coordinate issue when changing channel orientation fix.
07-06-2021 PROD v1.1.350 All changes after 1.1.330
01-06-2021 BETA v1.1.343 1. NRK Widget playing despite "Streaming Off" fix.
2. VGTV widget files taking too much time to download fix.
3. NRK widget playing audio despite player being mute fix.
25/05/2021 BETA v1.1.341 1. Channel target resolution.
2. Realtime change for widget, mediafiles.
3. GC, VGTV and NRK widget implementation.
04/05/2021 BETA v1.1.339 Channel List not loading issue fix.
30/04/2021 BETA v1.1.337 Filedownload enhancements for Samsung API filesize issue 
27/04/2021 BETA v1.1.335 1: Fix for WS and YT for no network player start
2: Timezone offset fix
19/04/2021 BETA v1.1.333 1: Show Network status, 10 sec after it start to play
2: NWstatus=16 (successful reboot recovery) implementation
08/04/2021 BETA v1.1.331 Network Recovery Implementation
09/11/2020 PROD 1.1.330 All changes after 1.1.320
04/11/2020 BETA v1.1.325 Fix for file re-download due to wrong file size returned by tizen API.
01/10/2020 PROD v1.1.320 Changes since last prod v1.1.270
01/10/2020 BETA v1.1.317 Changes since last beta v1.1.315



Databeat OMNIplay for  webOS (LG SoC)




Release notes

20.06.2024 PROD


It includes all changes since v.2.0.30
19.06.2024 BETA


Added support for Bitmovin.
05.06.2024 BETA


Correction to the duration of video playback. Video files that are 5 minutes or longer will play uninterrupted.
14.05.2024 BETA


Rotation API fixes.
08/05/2024 BETA


LG OTA Firmware update.
02/05/2024 BETA


Override feature supported. 
30/01/2024 BETA


1. Special characters now supported in widgets
10/10/2023 BETA 2.0.33 DATABEATserver options available in config screen.
05/07/2023 BETA 2.0.31 License key change fixes.
28/06/2023 PROD 2.0.30 All changes since last production v2.0.10
01/06/2023 BETA 2.0.25 Player API key security implementation.
26-07-2022 PROD 2.0.10 1. Includes all changes done in legacy app till version 1.x.x.
2. Latest App setup URL is ""
3. All new setups should use 2.x.x
26-07-2022 BETA 2.0.1 1. Legacy app deprecated till version 1.0.293
2. All new setups should use 2.x.x
3. Latest App setup URL is ""
30-06-2022 BETA 1.0.293 1: Debug log improvements
2: File clean up logic update
23-05-2022 BETA 1.0.289 Video to Image gap-less play.
07-04-2022 BETA 1.0.287 Maintain minimum 600 MB storage fix
24-03-2022 BETA 1.0.285 1. Beta Config implementation.
2. ScreenInfo security (Remove LicenceKey & IP).
3. Weather API change.
22-02-2022 BETA 1.0.283 1. App update max 3 tries in a day implementation.
2. Check app updates and firmware updates as per playerconfig.
3. Report "beta" player type to OMNI.
4. Auto Time sync implementation.
5. Report SOC Technology.
01-02-2022 BETA 1.0.281 1: Player Logging fix
2: Mixed playblock logic implementation.
3: CiC & GC override master channel timing implementation
06-01-2022 PROD 1.0.280 All changes since last production v1.0.270
17-12-2021 BETA 1.0.275 webOS 6.0 memory optimizations.
03-12-2021 BETA 1.0.273 1. Target resolution issue fixed for widescreens.
2. Full support for webOS 6.0.
23-11-2021 BETA 1.0.271 CustomJS 1.4 update for webOS 6.0
18-11-2021 PROD 1.0.270 All changes since last production v1.0.200
16-11-2021 BETA 1.0.261 1. Audio logic improvements.
2. Player init enhancements to avoid crash.
3. SCAP API load fix for webOS 6.0
27-10-2021 BETA 1.0.259 VGTV not playing if playblock selected fix
25-10-2021 BETA 1.0.257 VGTV API/mediaplan logic updates
12-10-2021 BETA 1.0.253 1. Update header clock on message screen every 1 min.
2. Remove syncgroup logic.
30-09-2021 BETA 1.0.251 1. Removed-widgets still showing on player fix.
2. Disable time update by App.
22-09-2021 BETA 1.0.249 Player not going to sleep fix.
06-09-2021 BETA 1.0.247 Updated CustomJS to v1.3.2
19-08-2021 BETA 1.0.245 1. SCAP API updated to 1.6.5 for webOS 4.0
2. PIP widget implementation for webOS 4.0
3. Remote Control Input Source switching implementation for webOS 4.0
4. Firmware update player side process implementation. (Currently not available to public)
12-07-2021 BETA 1.0.243 1. Fix for WS and YT for no network player start.
2. Timezone offset fix.
3. Channel target resolution.
4. Realtime change for widget, mediafiles.
5. CiC, GC, VGTV and NRK widget implementation.
6. Restart app implementation.
7. Volume sync to OMNI from TV (available in webOS 3.2 and above with latest Firmware)
8. Youtube play in portrait fix.
9. Player will now not restart when changing License key.
19/04/2021 BETA 1.0.239 1: Show Network status, 10 sec after it start to play
2: NWstatus=16 (successful reboot recovery) implementation
08/04/2021 BETA v1.0.237 Network Recovery Implementation





Databeat OMNIplay for Windows (Microsoft)




Release notes

04-11-2022 PRODUCTION 1: Report SOCTechnology
2: Missing file count check
3: Implement local data concept in widget
4: Delete files older than 30 days at app starts
5: Add locationID in widget jsonCustomSettings,
6: Cache implementation
7: General Logging
8: Network recovery implementation
9: Simple touch
11-04-2022 PRODUCTION  RTMP implementation





Databeat OMNIcast for Google Play Store




Release notes

26/02/2021 PRODUCTION 21.2.20 1: Minimum reserved storage for app will be 600MB
2: Implement new VGTV playlist making logic (to make the newly content available asap)
3: Init improvements in B2C & B2B login, hash redirect url, its config file.
4: Add "Back to login" button in all error UI when login using B2C or B2B.
5: Fix for Loading bar not dismissed on error B2B/B2C.
05/02/2021 PRODUCTION 21.2.10 1: New Weather api implementation.
2: Add VLC play in CiC Widget.
3: Added remote control keys in login, channel and quit screens.
4: Dismiss any popup screen before showing next one.
5: Handling error in app update from google play at app start up.
29-12-2020 PRODUCTION 20.12.10 1: Fullscreen toggle fix for CiC widget when playing webpage
2: NRK play fix after network reconnnected
3: NRK player widget release memory fix.
4: Changed Channel is being played with previous playing channel target resolution.
5: Display incorrect fry playlist in UI
6: Play next loop optimization. Specially done for very long music playlists.
7: Added VLC for playing RTP, RTSP and UDP streams.
8: Download priority media as per schedule. Specially done for music player.
9: Audio Track not playing even in locally fix.
10: Display "Preparing Playlist.." screen when loading big playlist (black screen shown issue).
11: CiC widget Outofmemory issue fix.





Databeat OMNIcast for Amazon Store




Release notes