How to display other content with Doorsign Overview

Doorsign Overview is a comprehensive overview for a company's resources. Learn how to combine a overview channel with features like additional playblocks, widgets and more.

DatabeatOMNI Overview


  • Link your DatabeatOMNI account to your calendar.
  • Enable Overview in Integration settings.
  • OMNIplay Pro.
  • A Overview channel. 

Step 1 - Set up Overview

A user will have to link a calendar to DatabeatOMNI to enable Overview from Integration settings and have access to the resources you want to display an overview for. 

Please see related article How to set up Databeat Overview to get started on Overview. 

Step 2 - Adjust the Overview channel

Overview is borderline feature between Doorsign and Signage, and was initially created as a stand-alone feature to display multiple resources at once. Therefore this feature is not officially supported and directly designed for this sort of use, but due to demand we found a way to display signage content alongside Overview, such as multiple playblocks and widgets, to create a more dynamic channel. 

Start by creating an Overview player as described in Step 1, and locate your Overview channel.

DatabeatOMNI Doorsign channels

It's important to filter your channels from Media with the Doorsign-filter to locate this channel. 

If you've selected a different channel than the default Overview channel it will also be located in this list. 

  • Go to Settings

Channel properties

To be able to add multiple playblocks, we have to temporarily remove the Doorsign setting on the channel, as the Doorsign setting prevents us from creating a new playblock. 

  • Remove Doorsign setting
  • Press Save

This channel will now be available in the Signage-filter from Media in DatabeatOMNI. 

DatabeatOMNI Signage channels

New playblocks is able to add into the channel now. 

Your Overview channel will play through the playblocks, starting with the Overview playblock for your calendar resources, in addition to the new playblocks and the content uploaded in them. 

Contact for further assistance.